Welcome to the British School at Rome Fine Arts Archive
This website was created as part of a collaboration between the British School at Rome (BSR) and the University of Manchester, in partnership with Collaboration Labs and the Economic and Social Research Council. This ever expanding project explores the lives and relationships of the Rome Scholars, artists who studied at the BSR in the 1910s and 1920s, through biographies of their lives and an exploration of the archival material held at the BSR.
Feel free to explore the networks of people, and the objects they created and places they visited, by clicking on the avatars below. Each link will take you through to a particular page about the place or individual, and from there you will be invited to explore other pages on the themes, people, places, and objects they were connected to. The connections between the pages are based on the real relationships that bound together the elements that made up the BSR community.
Please see the ‘Explore the BSR Network’ tab for an overview of the entire network, complete with a network map that shows you how the pages interlink, and a list of some potential starting points. Alternatively, click on one of the avatars below to get exploring straight away!

Meet Winifred Knights
Winifred Knights (1899-1947) was the first woman to be awarded the Rome Scholarship in Decorative Painting in 1920, and is best known for her works The Deluge and Marriage at Cana.

Visit the British School at Rome
The building of the BSR is itself a testament to the architectural tradition it hoped to reinforce. Finished in 1916, it boasts impressive Corinthian-style columns and a portico.